The REAL Jennifer Marie DelGatto, born Krapf.
Last updated: 1 November 2024. In March of 2021, I found out that a large group of individuals I called 'friends' had led me to believe they were people I could trust and confide in for the sole purpose of trashing my reputation behind my back. This large group of individuals utilized unethical tactics in order to trash my reputation. Such tactics included, but were not limited to: knowingly misconstruing facts about me, and not correcting pre-existing misconceptions about me whenever an opportunity presented itself. (See also, What is the meaning of lying by omission?). Decades of utilizing these unethical tactics (as well as others) had culminated in only unflattering, and half-true opinions circulating throughout our modern society about my character. What their main objective was, I cannot say. The worst thing I could think is maybe it was all to have me framed for a horrible crime I did not knowingly, or willingly commit. What l I can say for sure is I felt like the entire ordeal was stranger than fiction. I want to thank those same individuals for what they did to me and how they did it. Their actions were directly responsible for my transformation. If it hadn't been for the actions of those individuals I may not have chosen to abandon every aspect of my life that was hindering me from being the very best human being I could be all at once like I did. Feel free to navigate this website to get a glimpse into the life I live now. If you're not sure where to start I would recommend you visit the 'About Me' page and/or the 'Frequently asked questions' page. If you're interested in what I devote my time and energy to now may I suggest you visit the 'Calendar of Events' page. Scroll down for more options, too. I welcome you to visit the 'Contact me' page to contact me directly with any comments, questions, concerns, and/or topics of discussion, too. All I ask is that all comments, questions, concerns, and/or topics of discussion be kept respectable. -The REAL Jennifer Marie DelGatto, born Krapf.